Creating a Method for International SEO

The term “localization” has become increasingly common over the past few years and with good reason: in this digital age, more and more companies are marketing their products and services to people all around the globe, and the most effective way of connecting with those people is by making certain that content is understandable and appropriate for the target audience. In essence, localization involves localizing content for different readers, and that includes SEO content.

Developing the most effective SEO content is not simple. In fact, this vital aspect of Internet marketing is usually best left for SEO professionals. But if you are in the position of needing to handle this task on your own – or even if you simply want to have a clearer understanding of the process that an SEO professional will be doing for you – you’ve come to the right place.

Here then are steps involved in creating a method for SEO localization.

1. The first step involves having your content translated for your target audience. Never trust machine translations or inexperienced linguists. Instead, hire a professional translator who is not only fluent in the target language, but familiar with your industry as well. Make sure that the content is localized. Details such as use of appropriate measurement methods, currency, and location-specific language and jargon are all important considerations. Remember also that some images and even colors may not be appropriate in certain countries and cultures, so your translator should be thoroughly familiar with the target culture to ensure that your content is acceptable and entirely appropriate.

2. Choose a CMS (content management system) that is “friendly” for multilingual websites. There are several of them available that provide multilingual SEO structure with a shared database, such as WordPress and Magento, for example. Using the type of a CMS with a shared database will allow you to make future changes to any section of the site and have the change automatically made to all versions of the site.

3. Determine whether or not you need a website host located in the same country in which your translated site will appear. If you decide to do so, it won’t necessarily help your local SEO, but it will improve the speed of your site to a certain extent.

4. Obtain TLDs (top-level domains) for the specific countries in which you plan to do business. (If you’re not familiar with this term, a TLD is the last portion of a domain name, such,.org,.net, etc.)

5. Utilize a keyword research tool to determine the most effective keywords for your product or service in the target country (i.e., the country where your translated content will be read by potential customers). Google AdWords Keywords Tool allows you to search by language and target country, but there are others available as well.

6. Integrate these keywords into your translated content. Remember that the old method of “keyword stuffing” is now easily detectable by search engines, so avoid that at all costs. Instead, make sure that your keywords are spread throughout your content in a logical manner, while also paying attention to good grammar and spelling throughout.

Hire Article Submission Service by Blurbpoint

If you really want to increase your presence on the web then you have to hire SEO services that include several of services. By using these SEO services, you can enhance your website’s visibility and bring more traffic on your website. Among all these services, article submission service is one of the most popular services by which you can easily get desired traffic on your website. About this service, there are three main things which you have to know. You can also get one way links by using this service. On the web, there are numbers of directories on which you can submit articles for a variety of categories.

It is most important that you choose category which relates to the content of your website because it is effective marketing method by which you can get targeted visitors to your web site. It is considered as one of the unique methods that raise the page rank via creating the superiority keyword optimization. By using this service, you can distribute your articles to various article directories. This service also builds your reliability as a source of information. You also have to care that the content of your articles must be valuable and it doesn’t contain any kind of promoting. About this service, there are three main things which you have to know. You can also get one way links by using this service. On the web, there are numbers of directories on which you can submit articles for a variety of categories.

You also have to care about the content that it should not be too long, keep your article small and informative by which reader get interest and the traffic on your site also increase. By using this service, you are not only getting free links but also can create a form of viral marketing. You can get this service at competitive rate from blurbpoint website. Article submissions service is a cost effective way by you can gather visitor attention on your website. This is a proven to be most effective way of drawing attention and getting web traffic towards websites. By hiring SEO professional who helps you to create unique and original content that surely accept by high directories.

Experienced and qualified staffs of Blurbpoint handle your entire work of submission and give satisfied result to you. Submitting article into different directories is not that easy as you think, it needs huge efforts but you don’t have to bother about it because blurbpoint is here to help you. You can hire this service from blurbpoint and enjoy lots of benefits that are profitable for you as well as for your website.

The Future of SEO As Predicted by Industry Experts

If you are in the internet marketing industry, you know how unpredictable SEO is. With Google and other SERPS constantly changing their algorithms and with artificial intelligence becoming more prevalent, SEO is bound to change significantly in the future.

Here are some of the changes expected for SEO in the near future.

Link Building

For the longest time, building links has been the one factor that that has really boosted visibility on search engines. When you build many quality links, search engines recognize your website as a big brand and your rankings start to improve.

This already started to change with the Google RankBrain update that places more emphasis on relevance, context and quality. This is because the RankBrain algorithm focuses mainly on user intent. For your website to rank, it is best that it answers searcher’s intent and provide value first before you can even think about building links.

Optimizing Visual Content

With continued developments in artificial intelligence, search engines are becoming smarter with what is on visual content like images, videos and others. It is therefore, important that content creators start to optimize around visual content like YouTube Videos. This is done by optimizing the title tag, Meta descriptions, tags, considering the video length and so much more.

Building a Brand

According to Neil Patel, a global brand in internet marketing, the future of SEO lies in building a brand. Most brands like Forbes, CNN, Huffingtonpost and others dominate the market. If you provide exceptional value to your followers, your brand grows and soon you will find yourself ranking better on search engines.

When you are recognized as a brand, it becomes easy to build links and everything else about your SEO falls into place. You demand authority when the number of people searching for you online increases and gives you that authority.

Optimizing for Mobile and Voice Search

Most people now access the internet through their mobile devices. From the word go, your site needs to have a responsive design. This means that it should adapt according to the size of the device being used. Actually, Google suggests that your website should be made for mobile first, not for desktop.

Google penalizes sites that are not optimized for mobile by sinking their rankings. With smart home products and increase in mobile, voice search is on the rise. Cortana, Google Voice Search, Siri and Amazon Echo have become favorite virtual assistants for many people.

Voice searches are usually longer and more conversational; therefore, you should target such long words on your website. Become more conversational in your blog and do comprehensive keyword research for long phrases.

Google and all other search engines are getting smarter and therefore hard to beat with bad SEO strategies techniques. However, with AI and more information on user intent, if you provide value and answer to the queries that people have comprehensively, your rankings might just shoot to the first page of Google.

Ways to Create a Powerful Website Design

For businesses to grow and be successful they need a website since this is among the most effective tools to realize their goal. This is also the way to draw potential customers to the products and/or services they offer. In addition, this has a wider reach compared to other marketing methods without their high startup costs. Businesses can consider the following tips to create a powerful web design.

Take Advantage of Visual Hierarchy

The term visual hierarchy refers to the arrangement of website elements like the color, font size, white space and position to put emphasis on the primary point for every page. In order to complement a call to action (CTA), it is important to direct the eyes of visitors to something they want done by means of these visual factors.

To highlight their landing page’s central theme, they can do the following:

Make the font size larger.
Place the text at the top part of the window.
Choose a contrasting color since this stands out from the rest of the page.
Include a captivating graphic or video making use of the latest innovative web design trends.
Use white space so it will stick out from other text.
Use Minimalism

Businesses should use and integrate the above mentioned elements on the website but they have to keep in mind that this should be done in moderation. If this is overdone, this will cause cluttering, which will make customers confused or even worse, discouraged.

Also, they should not let visitors complete many tasks. They should minimize form fields as well as menu items and only focus on one CTA that has one goal per page.

According to a Google study, users do not like visual complexity. There are ways to simplify a site such as:

Eliminate the Sidebar – rather than have readers click on information on the sidebar, the process can be made easier by taking away this element and just create a very long page. In this way, they will be able to scroll through the content and scan everything, raising the possibility that the message of the brand will be conveyed.

Go for Familiar Layouts – while they may think that an unusual site design will set their domain apart from the rest of the competition, visitors are actually attracted to simple layouts with easy to understand icons and effects. Also, using a regular web structure can improve navigation on their site.

Prioritize Readability
Businesses should consider readability to make it easy for users to recognize and comprehend the text on their site. Prioritizing this factor will make sure that users will not have a difficult time in scanning their site and will remember the information they want to be retained. They should use the most ideal typeface, font size and contrasting colors for their brand.


Websites are important since these provide prospects with information on the business, which includes the office address, email address and phone numbers.

In addition, websites enable businesses to build and establish credibility in their niche of choice by being a source they can trust and rely on. The best SEO strategies and relevant content will help establish their authority in their industry making use of their domain and most especially, a powerful website.

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